Infinite Reasons To Let Go Of The Past


Carrying around baggage from the past are mental and emotional energy drains that severely deplete your resources for what you are living right now It is a distraction that prevents you from moving forward and doing what needs to be done now. There are 3 reasons people hold on to old issues:

  1. Want to fix it and make it better, usually equates to “A mistake was made or misunderstanding was had by one or both of the parties and I need/you need to make it right in order for me to be okay with myself”.
  2. Want to change the outcome that occurred, usually equates to wanting to be right and have other people agree with you and see it “your way” or you now realize your mistake and want a do-over so you can get it right and be happy.
  3. Want to prevent the situation from happening again in the future, usually equates to “I haven’t figured out the solution yet and if it happens again I don’t know how to handle it and I might get hurt, fail, lose out, etc.”.

A lot of unhealthy, negative and sabotaging beliefs and behaviours are developed from this “wanting” and people end up creating more of what they “don’t want”. Issues of depression, perfectionism, broken relationships, etc. keep happening and you get caught in what seems to be a no win life. Fear, anger and sadness seem to keep growing while love and happiness seem to diminish or elude you all together. Confidence and self-esteem start to erode and before you know it you are on that downward spiral that seems more hopeless to overcome each time it happens and your self-talk, that inner critic just keeps getting louder, stronger and more justified with each passing failure.

There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. These are all illusions to deceive you from your truth about yourself, your worthiness and your true potential. The Laws of Science teach that for every situation there is an equal or greater opposite. For every fear there is a greater faith, for every anger there are infinite reasons to love and for every sadness there is a greater joy. The questions become “which one have you been focusing on until now and what are you willing to learn and forgive?”

In every one of those bags of the past you are still carrying around, past relationships, ill health, job loss, missed opportunities you should have taken but didn’t, there are lessons and wisdom to be learned and forgiveness to be had that will set you free from your own imprisonment once and for all. Beliefs like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worthy or loveable”, “I’m a failure at everything I do”, and a whole host of other things your inner critic has negative judgements and opinions about.

Self-acceptance is the key to learning and healing the past and stopping the destruction of your true potential. Accepting your own imperfections as part of your journey as a human being also allows the forgiveness of others for their imperfections and mistakes as well for their learning process on their journey. For the most part, the old stuff people are carrying around doesn’t even fit their current life circumstances. It didn’t work out for a valid reason that you probably haven’t given much thought to yet.

What would happen if the situation that occurred in scenario one was “the fix” to something that wasn’t right to begin with? What would happen if the learning you got from a bad experience has already changed your life in other ways? What would happen if there was a 95% chance that all those things you imagine in the future were probably never going to happen? Or you imagined yourself handling it with skill and confidence that produces a successful outcome?

Letting go of all that baggage clears up a lot of space mentally and emotionally for something better to come in and take its place. What would you be willing to let fill that space? Would it be more love, more happiness, more friendship, success? The possibilities for what could fill you now become infinite. The wonderful, beautiful, miraculous truths about who and what you are exist just below the surface of the illusions that have deceived you until now. For those who are willing to dig a little deeper for the truth, there are acres of diamonds to be found and harvested that will empower you to create a future of living the life you love.


About Essence For Abundance

Joanne is a Personal Empowerment Master Life Coach and Certified N.L.P. Practitioner. Her past experience includes Addiction and Community Services Worker, employed with the Salvation Army Sutton Youth Shelter for homeless youth and young adults. Joanne has extensive volunteer experience with the Toronto Bail Progam assisting individuals in being detained in custody and waiting for bail. Joanne is also trained in a variety of Holistic Healing methods including E.F.T. (Emotional Healing Technique), Reiki Master, Seichim Master and "A Course In Miracles". Joanne works with a variety of chakra and evergy system techniques, meditation, angels and aromatherapy.
This entry was posted in A Course In Miracles, ACTS OF KINDNESS, assertiveness, boundaries, bucket list, business, CHARITY WORK, communication, confidence, COURAGE, creative team building, CRITICISM, DETERMINATION, develop your niche, Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, Dream Building, empowerment, ENTREPRENEUR, FAITH, family strategies, fears, focus, friendship, goal setting, gratitude, happiness, hobbies, hope, INSPIRING PEOPLE, INTEGRITY, law of attraction, life purpose, Live the life you love, Live With Passion, manifesting, parenting, PERSISTENCE, personal development, positive relationships, PROBLEM SOLVING, prosperity, relationships, SELF-DOUBT, self-esteem, self-improvement, success and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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